Photo of Nanaimo campus

VIU’s View Gallery presents Kashmir Lesnick-Petrovicz’s Guardians of Land, Life, Seeds and Love

Four photographs hang on the gallery wall. The closest photo is of a person facing the camera smiling.

Kashmir Lesnick-Petrovicz’s photographs document the work of a non-profit working with rural farming communities in South Africa. Vancouver Island University Photo

An artist talk is at the gallery on Wednesday, February 28 at 1 pm.

 In 2023, Queen Elizabeth Scholar and photographer Kashmir Lesnick-Petrovicz spent three months in South Africa to complete her internship in Vancouver Island University’s (VIU’s) Global Studies program. 

As a communications intern, she worked for the non-profit Trust for Community Outreach and Education (TCOE), documenting their work with rural farming communities. This exhibition follows her journey through a series of photographs, videography and writing about her experience with TCOE.

An artist talk is on Wednesday, February 28 at 1 pm. The exhibit runs from Wednesday, February 28 to March 15.

The View Gallery is VIU’s contemporary art gallery on VIU’s Nanaimo campus, which is built on the traditional unceded territory of the Snuneymuxw people.

The gallery presents a spectrum of visual art and design, made by professional artists, students and community members. A non-commercial site, the gallery presents a mixture of programming and art events that range from curated solo and group exhibitions, touring exhibitions and annual showcases of student art. The View Gallery is run and staffed by faculty members and students in the Art and Design department, within the faculty of Arts and Humanities.

The View Gallery is open Tuesday to Friday, from 10 am to 4 pm during exhibits. It is in Building 330, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, BC. Entrance 5D.

For more information, please contact Chai Duncan, VIU Visual Art Instructor and View Gallery Curator, at


Media Contact:

Rachel Stern, Communications Officer, Vancouver Island University

C: 250.618.0373l E: | X: @VIUNews 

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