Algae toxin detection techniques, Visual Art student exhibit, SkillsCanada regional competitions and more.
VIU researchers Dr. Chris Gill and Lucas Abruzzi are developing cutting-edge techniques using paper spray mass spectrometry to quickly and affordably detect harmful algae toxins in freshwater bodies across Canada. They are collaborating on the project with the National Research Council of Canada’s Halifax lab. Their work has been profiled in numerous news outlets including the Nanaimo News Bulletin, Oak Bay News, CHEK TV, and Victoria Buzz.
VIU Visual Art student Tarah Dowling created a photo and audio exhibit featuring former foster care kids who are using the Tuition Waiver program. Read The Discourse article.
Former VIU Creative Writing instructor and Chemainus author Robyn Gerland has released a new historical novel. Read more in the Lake Cowichan Gazette.
Milner Gardens & Woodland, rated one of the 10 best public gardens in Canada, is now open for the season. Check out why it is a special place in the Daily Hive or the blog Curiocity.
Psychology Professor Dr. Lindsay McCunn is leading the development of a historical repository for environmental psychology – a new initiative aimed at preserving key documents, artifacts and academic materials related to the field.
The VIU Mariners veteran guard Makayla Kimble shares her story about being so far from home on PACWEST’s Behind the Arc.
Vancouver Island University is set to host a competition where students from across the central island will get to show off their skills in a wide variety of trades. The Skills Canada BC regional competition will be hosted on March 6, and students will compete in several trades ranging from carpentry and welding to hairdressing. Read more.
VIU Accounting alum Daniel Gardiner is a 2025 BCBusiness 30 Under 30 winner! Now Senior Vice-President of KPMG Corporate Finance, Gardiner’s hard work and ambition has paid off at age 29. “It’s been about betting on myself and my career and having strong motivations for social mobility because of the way I grew up.” Read more.