Biography of Dr. Frances Kelsey, biography of Josette Klein.
CHLY/Vancouver Island Mental Health Society interview with Joe Pugh on “The Transgressive Woman: Gender, Class, Alcohol and Drugs,” in Pleasure and Panic. Posted March 3, 2023.
‘Story of Menstruation & Other Disney Films,” Interview, OZY website, August 8, 2016.
“Reflections on Dr. Frances Kelsey,” CBC Radio British Columbia, September, 2015.
Katherine Dedyna, “Frances Kesley: Homegrown Hero,” Victoria Times-Colonist, Dec. 18, 2014: D1.
Rachel Stern, “Pandemic use a Poor Choice,” Nanaimo News Bulletin [NNB] 24 Nov 2009: 6.
Mark Medley, “Academics feed on our guilty pleasures,” National Post, 30 May 2007, 1.
Jenn Marshall, “Uncovering History: Professor Researches topics not typically covered,” NNB, January 6, 2007: 22.
Jenn Marshall, “Why are mothers waiting to have babies?” NNB, April 2007.