Community Classroom

Welcome to VIU's Community Classroom!

Join us in exploring the labs, offices and research facilities of Vancouver Island University! In our community classrooms, you can meet our faculty and students, discover new environments and change the world alongside us. We're excited to share our knowledge and passions with you. 

An “All my Relations” approach to decolonizing education

6 Teachings to improve access, success and transitions to work for Indigenous learners

Can owls sink carbon?

A part of the VIU spring 2022 Science and Technology Community Lecture Series

How do trees and forests contribute to climate change mitigation?

A part of the VIU spring 2022 Science and Technology Community Lecture Series

The Future of Reconciliation in Canada

A VIU Conversation

How is climate change associated with anxiety?

A part of the VIU spring 2022 Science and Technology Community Lecture Series

Behind the Screen: The History and Politics of Canadian Breast Cancer Imaging

Part of the Gender, Health and Social Justice Speaker Series

Diseased, Delinquent Bodies: Sanitation, Health Care and Jail Discipline in Colonial India

A part of the Gender, Health and Social Justice Speaker Series

Beyond Voices: audio media and the sound of scholarship

Media studies professor Robin Davies takes audience members on a journey of sound

How can computer modelling help us understand our oceans and cryosphere?

A part of the VIU spring 2022 Science and Technology Community Lecture Series