aerial view of Building 200 at VIU's Nanaimo campus

Malaspina University-College Scholarship Recipients - Summer Awards Ceremony

195 students were awarded $110,000 in scholarships and awards at Malaspina University-College on Thursday, August 29, 1996.


David Wiwchar $250 L.C. Parkin Memorial Award


Colleen Anderson $300 Parksville & District Credit Union Award

Beverley Finch $100 Malaspina U-C Graduation Award - Carpentry &
Residential Construction


Richard Gage $1,000 Malaspina U-C Child and Youth Care
Degree Entrance Scholarship

Campbell River

Lisa Bawtinheimer $250 William Barraclough History Scholarship

Michelle Bigg $1,000 Bruce Nicoll Memorial Scholarship

$400 Nanaimo Fish and Game Protection Association:
Ernie Johnson Memorial Award


Regan Ferguson $300 Nanaimo Horticultural Award


Moya Beedie $100 Marjorie Lewis Bunnin Award


Debra Pare $500 BC Association of Community Care Scholarship

Cobble Hill

Melissa Fahlman $500 Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship


Allison Milne $750 Jean Whittaker Memorial Award


Christine Rode $100 Art Faculty Award


Jane Larsen $500 Malaspina U-C Liberal Studies
Degree Entrance Scholarship

Karen Sandri $500 Ramsay Thompson Lampman Award

Cowichan Bay

Kim Wratten $100 Malaspina U-C Graduation Award - Office
Administration Micro-computer Specialty


Michael Peters $1,000 Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

Kay Smith $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

$500 Malaspina U-C Education Degree Entrance Scholarship

$250 William Barraclough Education Scholarship


Bonnie Lou Day $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students


Veronica Allan $1,000 Helga Bonkowski Education Award

William Buckeridge $200 Betty and Doug Jones Scholarship

Keith Davies $500 Woody Hayes Entrance Bursary

Chris Dodds Book Geography Department Scholarship

Dennis Doskocil $100 William Matthews Endowment Scholarship

Sandilea Gibson $250 plus plaque Duncan Mayor - Mike Coleman Award

Phyllis Goldsmith $500 Malaspina U-C BA-First Nations Degree Entrance

David Kier $500 Real Estate Foundation of BC Award

Kari-Ann Madsen Full Tuition Nicholas Plecas Achievement Scholarship

Maria McLeod $1,000 Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

Shona Moore $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Barbara Thorne $100 Adult Basic Education Award: Cowichan Campus

Diane Witherington $400 Kiwanis Club of Nanaimo Scholarship

$500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Fanny Bay

Jeannie Martin $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Gabriola Island

Tina Boehm $500 Real Estate Foundation of BC Interior Design Award

Jaigris Hodson $1,000 Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

Mike MacIntryre $800 Gerry Goodwin Memorial Award

Chris Matheson $500 Malaspina U-C Liberal Studies Degree Entrance

$500 Pat Bevan Scholarship in English Literature

Andrea Puszkar $80 David Lambert Memorial Prize

Iberville, Quebec

Carole Roy $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students


Hisae Itoh $500 Certified Management Accountants of BC Award

$600 Governor General's Medal plus Malaspina College
Faculty Association Scholarship


Jennifer Thomson $400 Terry and Judy Napper Award


Joanne Mallach $1,000 BC Hydro Annual Award

$400 Nanaimo Fish & Game Protection Association -
Ernie Johnson Memorial Award


Kathy Anderson $100 Malaspina U-C Graduation Award - Hairdressing

Kathleen Clarke $500 Fan Seafoods Geoduck Research Award

Timothy Davies $500 Malaspina U-C Arts & Sciences Degree Entrance

Lucy Dennis $150 Interior Design Industry Award

$500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Guy Kempf $1,000 Canadian Diabetes Association Award

$500 Malaspina U-C Nursing Degree Entrance

Margaret Kennedy $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Helen Tozer $500 Malaspina U-C Arts & Sciences Degree Entrance

Lake Cowichan

Peggy Bauman $150 BC Hydro Endowment Award

Joleen Duncan $500 Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship


Debbie Foster $200 Bakers Association of BC Scholarship

Marie Purtzki $300 Rotary Club of Nanaimo International Award

Roy Sorensen $500 Pat Bevan Scholarship in Creative Writing - Poetry

Mill Bay

Alison Keple $300 Nanaimo Field Naturalists Scholarship


Paul Ainey $100 Art Faculty Award

Darren Angell $250 Ted Stroyan Memorial Scholarship

Richard Bagnald Book Anthropology Studies Scholarship

Peron Bakr $500 Pat Bevan Scholarship in English Literature

Andrew Breen $1,000 Bruce Nicoll Memorial Scholarship

Jacqueline Brennan $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Deanna Brewer $100 Malaspina U-C Graduation Award - Cook Training

John Brunner $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Chad Calder $300 Association of Professional Engineers and
Geoscientists of the Province of BC - Vancouver
Island Branch

Lesley Chapman $700 BC Shellfish Industry Scholarship

Darrin Charmley Travel Prize Geography Department Scholarship

Susan Chilibeck $300 David Charles Bell Scholarship

Colleen Chisholm $800 David Yates Award

Pamela Clarke $250 Myrtle Bergen Creative Writing Award

Shelley Curry $500 Leanne Johnson Memorial Award

Cindy Dixon $100 Early Childhood Educators of BC Scholarship

$400 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Shawna Dixon $500 Malaspina U-C BA Degree Entrance Scholarship

$500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

C. Irina Doering $700 Patricia Hadaway Award

Robert Downey Book Geography Department Scholarship

Darren Driver $100 Malaspina U-C Graduation Award - Carpentry &
Residential Construction

Alex Dunkley $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Trudine Excell $300 Rotary Club of Nanaimo International Award

Robin Fielding $1,500 Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

Robert Flatt $1,500 Nicholas Plecas Entrance Scholarship

Honour only Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

Terry Fox $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Olena Gill $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Rita Gorosh $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Mark Hammerer $500 Real Estate Foundation of BC Award

Lindsay Hartley $1,500 Nicholas Plecas Entrance Scholarship

Honour only Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

Tracy Hodgson $500 Malaspina U-C Nursing Degree Entrance

Janice Hofman $600 Certified General Accountants Association of BC

Faye Hong $500 Jack Brodie Memorial Scholarship

Loren Hubbard $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Ken Hudson $100 William Matthews Endowment Scholarship

Donna Marie Ingram $200 Betty and Doug Jones Scholarship

Lloyd Jackelman $250 Lentia Enterprises Ltd. Scholarship

Derek Johnstone $150 BC Hydro Endowment Award

Pieter Jonker $250 Ted Stroyan Memorial Scholarship

Steven Karras $250 Warner Hewer Newton Memorial Award

John Keen $630 Nicholas Plecas Achievement Scholarship

Jason Kemp Full Tuition BC Lions Society Advanced Education Fund
Entrance Award

Lisa Khakh $250 Philip W. Mar Memorial Award

Roderick King $500 Malaspina U-C President's Scholarship

$1,500 Scholarship & Bursary Committe Special

Wendy Knapman $100 Malaspina U-C Graduation Award - Office
Administration Legal Specialty

Cimarron Knight $150 Interior Design Industry Award

Bernice Kreshmar $200 Home Support/Resident Care Attendant Program
Instructors' Award

Ryan Kurytnik $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Hon Kit (Henry) Lam $400 Windsor Plywood Award

Gregory Laursen $250 Canadian Hospitality Foundation Merit Award

Robin Lavis $600 Rotary Club of Nanaimo Award

Reina LeBaron $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

$500 Malaspina U-C Liberal Studies Entrance Scholarship

Karinna Lehtinen Full Tuition BC Lions Society Advance Education Fund Entrance

Tamara Leslie $150 David Lambert Memorial Prize

Matt Lettington $30 David Lambert Memorial Prize

Paul Levey $500 Malaspina College Faculty Association Scholarship

Honour Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

$1,000 Rotary Club of Nanaimo Scholarship

Leslie Lewington $500 Fan Seafoods Ltd. Geoduck Endowment Scholarship

Bev Luke $500 Pat Bevan Scholarship in Creative Writing - Fiction

Dawn Mackey $1,500 Nicholas Plecas Entrance Scholarship

honour only Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

Katie MacLeod $600 Robyn Muir Memorial Award

Brodie MacPherson $450 Vancouver Stock Exchange Scholarship

Trina Manca $500 Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

Kendra Marin $500 Restaurant & Food Services Association of
BC Scholarship

Kevin Matz 1,000 Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

Sandra Mazzei $400 Malaspina U-C Board Members Award

$500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Tina McCann $500 December 6, 1989 Memorial Scholarship

$1,000 Ralph Vernon Memorial Scholarship

Honour Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Gary McPherson $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Heidi Melenchuk $500 Edith Emerson Memorial Scholarship

Michael Morton $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Lorraine Moxam $500 Jim Huard Jr. Memorial Award

Kyla Nicholson $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Kerry Nolan $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

$500 Neil Rutherford Memorial Award

Rodney Norfolk $100 Adult Basic Education Award: Nanaimo Campus

Kimberley Norman $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Kathleen O'Brien $750 Canadian Federation of University Women -
Re-entry Scholarship

Liane Orrey $1,260 Nicholas Plecas Entrance Scholaship

Louise Osmond $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Tracy Paisley $500 Real Estate Foundation of BC Interior Design Award

Ross Pettit $1,000 Nicholas Plecas Forest Resources Scholarship

Johanna Pinfold $500 Malaspina U-C Nursing Degree Entrance

Ada-Jean Ravnborg $100 Malaspina U-C Graduation Award - Office
Administration Bookkeeping Specialty

Catherine Roberts $500 Bill Rowntree Memorial Award

Julie-Ann Rothenbusch $1,000 BC Hydro Annual Award

Crystal Ruel $300 Frank Ney Memorial Entrance Award

Sheri Scarsbrook $1,000 Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

James Schafer Full Tuition BC Lions Society Advanced Education Fund
Entrance Award

Tara Schweitzer $600 Certified General Accountants Association of BC

Maria Scoretz $500 Inez Bowen Colbert Memorial Award

Eva St. Jean $500 Nanaimo Historical Society's Ethel Barraclough
Memorial History Award

Nicole Stuart $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Erin Swift $250 Canadian Information Processing Society Award

$500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Rachel Sydenham $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Brendan Tang $30 David Lambert Memorial Prize

Ryan Toomer $500 Pat Madill Memorial Scholarship

Wade Tritschler $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Peter Unghy $400 Frank Bernard Fisheries Award

Donald Vieau $250 Kirkland-Rose Scholarship

Krista Wadden $300 Edith Emerson Memorial Scholarship

$250 Zonta International Education Scholarship

Samantha Walker $500 Real Estate Foundation of BC Interior Design Award

Alan Webber $300 Canadian Association of Equipment Distributors Award

John Wilson $500 Coast Realty Award

Karen Wilson $500 Lieutenant Governor's Medal plus Malaspina
College Faculty Association Scholarship

Harlan Wright $400 Frank Bernard - Fisheries Award

James Yakiwchuk $1,000 Vancouver Island Real Estate Board
Business Scholarship

Milan Zvekich $500 Malaspina U-C BSc Degree Entrance Scholarship

$500 Malaspina U-C Continuing Student Scholaship

Nanoose Bay

Emily Drown $1,500 Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

Tara Williams $400 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students


Cynthia Cecil $500 Malaspina U-C BA Degree Entrance Scholarship

$500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

$500 Pat Bevan Scholarship in Creative Writing - Poetry

Noah Herbison $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Karen Kerr $100 Adult Basic Education Award: Parksville Campus

Margaret Van Ingen $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Pender Island

Robin Peterson $100 Care Administrators Association of BC Scholarship

Port Alberni

Joan Drew $500 Morris Donaldson Memorial Award

Barbara Goddard $300 M.C. Sutherland Memorial Award

Terry Lawrence Travel Prize Geography Department Scholarship

Tania Walter $100 Lisa O'Donnell Memorial Award

Port Hardy

Brian Shearing $1,000 Real Estate Foundation of BC Business Scholarship

Port McNeill

Christie Dunning $500 Pat Bevan Scholarship in Creative Writing - Fiction

Powell River

Barbara Kinley-Hubert $300 Powell River Single Parent Award

Marcia Lott $500 Recreation Administration Scholarship

Michael Trahan $100 Adult Basic Education Award: Powell River Campus

Qualicum Beach

Nevin Blumer $1,000 Malaspina U-C Education Degree Entrance

Steffany Burger $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Christopher Davidson $500 Malaspina U-C Child & Youth Care Degree
Entrance Scholarship

Jody Drynan $100 Malaspina U-C Graduation Award - Hairdressing

Matthew Edgett $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Larisa Fayad $500 Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

$150 Dr. C.M. Opgaard Scholarship

Nola Jeffrey $500 Malaspina U-C BA Degree Entrance Scholarship

Brent Kellas $1,000 Malaspina U-C Entrance Scholarship

Sharon Mills $750 Canadian Federation of University Women - Nanaimo

$750 Malaspina College Faculty Association Scholarship

Honour Malaspina U-C Scholarship for Continuing Students

Joan Reyda $100 Malaspina U-C Graduation Award - Office
Administration Word Processing Specialty


Jean-Paul Gotro $500 Real Estate Foundation of BC Award

Graham Neave $500 Neil Rutherford Memorial Award

Shawnigan Lake

Derrylyn Maguire $350 Woody Hayes Award

Karen Shields $350 Woody Hayes Award

Thetis Island

Galen Loiselle $500 Ralph Pomphrey Memorial Award

Thunder Bay

Chad Sharp Knife Set House of Knives Award


Jeanie Norris Knife Set Knife Shoppe Award

Williams Lake

Kristen Daniel $1,000 Nicholas Plecas Aquaculture Scholarship

Glenda Wymer $500 Jim Huard Jr. Memorial Award

Windsor, N.S.

Alan Mumford $500 Ross and Judy Fraser Music Award


Lance Wingrave $250 Coastal Cruising Supervisors Task Force Scholarships

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