Malaspina University-College has partnered with the University of Victoria to offer a Bachelor of Commerce degree in hotel and restaurant management. Malaspina students graduating from its two-year hospitality management diploma program will now be able to enter the University of Victoria's Bachelor of Commerce program at the third-year level on the way to completion of the four year degree.
This partnership degree program is unique in British Colombia in which a university-college provides the first two years of a diploma program and a university provides the second two year term towards a Bachelor degree.
This new approach of integrating a diploma with a degree is known as a 2 plus 2 program. One of the primary advantages of this 2 plus 2 program for students is that it provides a midpoint with the completion of the two-year diploma program that allows them to either take employment immediately, work for awhile, or continue on to a degree.
Leaders of the tourism industry in BC have embraced this new initiative. Industry has offered considerable financial support and senior executives from the tourism industry will co-teach hospitality courses. As an added incentive all graduates of the four-year degree will be guaranteed a one year management internship by the tourism industry.
Dale Francis, Malaspina coordinator of the hospitality management program said, "This new initiative gives our diploma program a lot of flexibility for students and takes the program to a new level of professionalism. We are very excited for our students and the future of the hospitality program."
The University of Victoria will have their first intake of Malaspina diploma graduates in the fall of 1996 and previous graduates of the diploma program may apply for entry as well.
For more information, contact Dale Francis, coordinator of hospitality management programs at 753-3245, local 2500.