aerial view of Building 200 at VIU's Nanaimo campus

Global Village Donates Resource Collection to Malaspina University-College Library

Global Village has donated its extensive collection of books, journals and audio-visual materials to the Malaspina University-College library in order to further its cause of fostering greater awareness and understanding between world societies.

Mac Dube, Global Village spokesman, said, "Global Village has enjoyed a long collaborative relationship with Malaspina University-College particularly in co-sponsorship visits by outstanding scholars whose interests impinge on international issues."

"As much of the collection as possible is now being incorporated into the Malaspina library collection," said Catherine Whiteley, Malaspina director of libraries. "The collection will be available to anybody in-house and for off-campus loan as well to community members with a library card," said Whiteley.

"It is fitting that the collection be turned over to Malaspina University-College. May it continue to be used by students and scholars to foster a greater awareness and understanding of evolving human societies world-wide," Dube said.

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