
Ready to put her education into practice: Timilehin Maryam Olayiwola

For Timilehin Maryam Olayiwola, who is graduating this June from VIU’s Early Childhood Education and Care program, VIU has felt like home because of the in-depth interactions she had with profs and other students, as well as having friends and family studying alongside her. After she represents the Faculty of Health and Health Services as valedictorian, she is ready to put what she learned at VIU into practice.

As part of our series highlighting VIU’s 2022 valedictorians leading up to convocation on June 23 and 24, we caught up with Timilehin to learn more about why she decided to attend VIU, and some highlights from her time here.

Why did you choose VIU?

VIU felt like a community and home for me. The smaller classes allow students to interact more with teachers and other students. My friends and family were also students at the university.

Can you share a highlight from your time at VIU?

My practicum. I was always excited to see what the new placement we were put in by the school every semester. There were always opportunities for collaboration between students, instructors and mentors at our practicums and we had the opportunity to share our pedagogical narration (observations when working with children, educators and families at practicum) with educators that are already in the field across the province. This helped me gain more experience and knowledge in the field and also provided the chance to practice what we learned in class.

What are you most proud of achieving since you began your studies?

I’m proud of myself for completing my studies at the age of 18 despite everything going on in the world and also grateful to God, my family members and friends for always being there because I would have not been prepared to do this all by myself. 

What is one thing your fellow students may remember about you after graduation?

My classmates might remember me after graduation for eating my chocolate bars at the wrong time (during a quiet moment in the class), my smile and my jokes. 

What advice would you give students following a similar trajectory as yourself? 

Asking questions goes a long way and faculty and students are always happy to help. VIU provides a lot of resources for students.

Can you give us three random facts about yourself?

  • I started reading at the age of 4 (could read a newspaper).
  • My two favourite places to study on campus are the fifth floor and the section that had two computer screens.
  • I always try to get involved in activities.

What’s next for you?

Going into the world to put what I learned at VIU into practice and work on achieving my goals (e.g making childcare a priority of governments worldwide).


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