Two students look at a sheet in a lab, one has a pen in her hand, they are both smiling at the camera

New student checklist

7 things you can do before coming to VIU

Are you new to Vancouver Island University? Here are a few things you can do before classes start to get a head start on prep for university life! 

Read the financial aid checklist

VIU’s Financial Aid Office has created a checklist to help you explore options for paying for university. Need more help? Reach out to the Financial Aid team.

Get help with housing

Still looking for a place to live? Connect with VIU’s Off-Campus Housing Coordinator, who can support you with resources and information.

Apply for VIU scholarships

VIU has many scholarships, awards and bursaries and you can apply for them all by filling out one simple application. Bursaries are distributed in the fall and scholarships and awards are distributed in the spring. Learn more.

Meet with an educational advisor

Advisors can help you discover, plan and work towards your educational goals, and they are around to help you with this all summer! Contact an advisor.

Set up accessibility support

Accessibility Services provides support and accommodations for students with documented disabilities. It’s a good idea to contact them six to eight weeks before the start of classes.

Apply for student loans

Did you know that when you apply for a student loan, you are automatically considered for grants? If you receive a grant, that’s money you don’t have to pay back. Apply by early July for the Fall Semester. Learn more.    

Check out the Learning Matters website

The Ready, Set, Go modules on the Learning Matters website are designed to guide you through everything from planning your first semester and finances, to the services you can access when you get here.

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