
Getting involved and pursuing possibilities: Nicole DiCastri

Nicole DiCastri, a co-valedictorian for the Faculty of Social Sciences, is graduating this June with a Bachelor of Arts, major in Criminology and minor in Creative Writing. She plans on taking a year off from academics before applying to law schools with the goal of becoming a lawyer.

As part of our series highlighting VIU’s 2022 valedictorians leading up to convocation on June 23 and 24, we asked Nicole to share a few highlights from her time at VIU and advice for students.

Why did you choose VIU? 

I chose VIU because it was one of the few schools in Canada that offered both the major and minor I wanted for my degree. Being from the Okanagan, VIU let me be far enough away from home to grow on my own without being too far away from family and friends. 

Can you share a highlight from your time at VIU? 

The amazing opportunities to participate in unique programs and courses throughout my degree, including the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program, the Malaspina Fellowship and the Community-Based Applied Interdisciplinary Research (CBAIR) program.

What are you most proud of achieving since you began your studies?

Since I began my studies, I am most proud of how much I encouraged myself to try new things and get involved. Not only taking classes that I would not have previously thought about taking, but also becoming involved in activities around campus.

What is one thing your fellow students may remember about you after graduation?

One thing I hope fellow students will remember about me after graduation is that I was always ready to help out with events, not only in my department but for my faculty and around the university as well.

What advice would you give students following a similar trajectory as yourself? 

Explore all the possibilities of your program early on so you don’t miss out on opportunities simply because you chose the wrong elective in your first year. VIU has so many amazing opportunities such as the embedded certificates for Legal or Addiction studies that may not require you to take extra classes depending on your major. Get involved with your community early so you have time to grow and explore different things before you finish your degree. Generally, just make the most of the opportunities you have.

Can you give us three random facts about yourself? 

  • I’ve flown in an air balloon.
  • I own more than 900 books. 
  • My favourite ice cream flavour is banana fudge, although it is ridiculously hard to find.

What’s next for you? 

I plan to take a year away from academics before applying to law schools.

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