An early childhood educator reading a book to three kids

Earn while you learn with the work-integrated early childhood education program

Are you working as an early childhood educator assistant and looking to grow your career? VIU offers a unique ECEC Work-Integrated Learning (ECEC-WIL) program so you can become a qualified early childhood educator while still working.

The program allows students to complete the coursework while maintaining employment at their current job, meaning they don’t have to sacrifice income for education. And to further assist them in their efforts, students are eligible to receive $1,500 towards costs.

Running from October to August, the program includes weekly evening seminars, online learning and practicum experiences that can be completed at the student’s current workplace.

The program runs from October to August and includes a combination of weekly seminars, communities of practice, individual meetings, online learning and work-based practicum experiences.

Child-care centres who employ these students can also receive $500 to help cover any costs incurred due to absences from work the student may be required to take during the program.

There’s still time to register for this fall’s intake. We caught up with program chair Summer Lin for some further information. 

Can you explain briefly how the work-integrated learning program works and how it differs from other VIU ECE programs? 

The ECEC work-integrated learning program is unique because it allows students to learn while they work. They can stay at the same workplace throughout the program and won't encounter financial distress or risk losing their current employment.

How was the need for this program identified? 

We heard from the field that early childhood educator assistants cannot afford to leave their workplace, and vice versa, childcare centres cannot afford to lose caregivers due to the current workforce crisis in the childcare sector. More working professionals will benefit from upgrading their credentials while maintaining their current position. In turn, more trained and qualified early childhood educators will be entering the field.

Who is this program geared towards and best suited for? 

Early childhood educator assistants who have worked in a licensed childcare centre in BC for more than two years are ideal candidates for this program.

What can students who enroll in this program expect? 

All courses will be intertwined and integrated in the ECEC-WIL program. Students can expect to learn about updated knowledge and theories, reflect on their learning and apply these pedagogies in their early learning and childcare centre. 

How can people find out more about the program and application process? 

 More details can be found on the program’s website. Students are also welcome to email me at

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